"Look past the flip title of this book, past the hip cover art, and you'll find a book brimming with good advice for any young or older woman contemplating moving in with her man. With not a shred of moralizing, but with plenty of attention to ethics and morality, the sister team of Stacy and Wynne Whitman has written a book that every mother, sister and daughter age 18 and up should read. ...Ten chapters cover good decision making before you move in, and emotional, financial and legal issues after you move in. The Whitmans don't discount the possibility or even the likelihood that cohabitation will lead to marriage - it often does - they simply acknowledge that whether it does or not, it is an arrangement with rules all its own. There's fun advice ('Eight ways to prevent domestic disputes' includes an entire paragraph on bathroom etiquette) and serious stuff about dealing with abuse. In fact there's lots of advice in the book that applies to married folks, too, and an ideal situation might be for a mom and dad and their about-to-be independent daughter to share the book. It wouldn't do any harm and it might do a world of good"
-The Cape Cod Times
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